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3DVisualizr for PowerBI

The 3DVisualizr visual renders the 3D scenes that are hosted at Elisa IndustrIQ's 3DVisualizr Portal.

Install Custom visual

Import 3DV custom visual using the ”Import a visual from a file”


Select the .pbiviz file to be imported


After that you should see the visual imported


Create Token in 3D Portal

Create token


Copy token




PowerBI Dataset example

For the demo we use following dataset:

  • Dataset needs to contain the model Url and valid 3D portal token which you can get from the 3D portal (shown in previous slides)
  • In this dataset AssetId is used to map to the object name in 3D scenes


PowerBI Report Creation

Bind the data to corresponding fields

  • Model: URL of the model
  • Personal access token: 3D portal token
  • Asset: the field that contains id of the asset
  • Layout: label layout mode (0: hidden, 1: collapsed, 2: title 3: default, 4: full)
  • Status: status color and icon (0: not configured, 1: warning, 2: normal, 3: planned downtime, 4: unplanned downtime, 5: unavailable)
  • Title: Shows value + title
  • Info: Shows only value of the field
  • Progress: Shows value as progress bar
  • Speedbar: shows value as speedbar
  • Speedometer: shows value as speedmeter



Actions: Double click

Double click zooms to object and filters the dataset based on the selection


Actions: Drill through

Right click on the object opens the powerBI context menu that can be used for example to drill through to another report
